
Every writer has a story to tell, rarely do they tell their own. What got them into writing, what kept them going and how, eventually, they achieved success.

Session 1: Reading between the lines

Poets Keisha Thompson and Hirohisa Fukuda in conversation with Desiree Reynolds on their debut collections of poetry, Lunar and flowers like blue glass. Included in the discussion will be their particular routes to publication, what interests and inspires them and their work, and what place their poetry has in the world.

Panellists: keisha Thompson, Hirohisa Fukuda and Desiree Reynolds

Session 2:  The long and winding road…

Personal journeys and writing journeys intertwine. As black writers these journeys are rarely straightforward, often frustrating and with more lows than highs. Even to call ourselves writers is sometimes a struggle. So what keeps us going? How do we take strength from rejection and learn from our mistakes. Rajeev Balasubramanyam, Anjum Malik and Masimba Musodza are your guides as host Jennifer Makumbi leads them and the audience in discussion, anecdote and storytelling.

Panellists: Rajeev Balasbramanyam, Anjum Malik and Masimba Musodza; hosted by Jennifer Makumbi